Welfare for the Rich

By Phil Harvey and Lisa Conyers

Welfare for the Rich

The scope of corporate grift may be astonishing, say the authors of this informative work, but voters aren’t powerless to combat it.

Iron Empires

By Michael Hiltzik

Iron Empires

The railways made the U.S. what it is today. Do financiers deserve all the credit?

The Sack of Detroit: General Motors and the End of American Enterprise

Though persuasive in places, this exhaustive history overstates its case.

The New Builders: Face to Face with the TRUE Future of Business

Do nontraditional entrepreneurs hold the key to America’s economic success?

Religion and the Rise of Capitalism

An intelligent yet repetitive exploration of America’s worshipful relationship with the dollar.

Fulfillment: Winning and Losing in One-Click America

Taking account of an America altered by Amazon’s primacy.


By Aaron Glantz


This exploration of the housing crisis evokes anger but comes off as a sloppy polemic in places.

Shoddy: From Devil’s Dust to the Renaissance of Rags

The fascinating story of how a respectable textile product became synonymous with all things inferior.