5 Most Popular Posts: November 2015

  • December 2, 2015

We here at the Independent love every piece we run. There are no winners or losers. Having said that, here are November’s winners.

5 Most Popular Posts: November 2015

  1. A review of Brief Candle in the Dark by Richard Dawkins. Josh Trapani’s critique of the media-savvy evolutionary biologist’s latest work garnered an astonishing number of hits. We suspect the fact that Dawkins tweeted it to his 1.3M Twitter followers had something to do with it…

  2. A review of Capital: New York, Capital of the 20th Century by Kenneth Goldsmith. David Kaufmann’s scholarly, illuminating analysis of this “uncreative” work had scores of cerebral types happily clicking and sharing.

  3. “9 Writerly Gifts.” If there’s one thing we all learned from E.A. Aymar’s scribe-centric list, it’s that there’s always room for Tom Berenger under the tree.

  4. A review of The Legendary Detective: The Private Eye in Fact and Fiction by John Walton. Agatha Award-winner Art Taylor knows a thing or two about gumshoes, which may be why his take on John Walton’s latest drew in so many whodunit fans.

  5. A review of Gilliamesque by Terry Gilliam. Just like the Spanish Inquisition, no one expected Michael Causey’s recap of the artsy Python’s new book to strike such a chord. (Now go away, or we shall taunt you a second time!)
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