We here at the Independent love every piece we run. There are no winners or losers. Having said that, here are November’s winners.
- A review of Brief Candle in the Dark by Richard Dawkins. Josh Trapani’s critique of the media-savvy evolutionary biologist’s latest work garnered an astonishing number of hits. We suspect the fact that Dawkins tweeted it to his 1.3M Twitter followers had something to do with it…
- A review of Capital: New York, Capital of the 20th Century by Kenneth Goldsmith. David Kaufmann’s scholarly, illuminating analysis of this “uncreative” work had scores of cerebral types happily clicking and sharing.
- “9 Writerly Gifts.” If there’s one thing we all learned from E.A. Aymar’s scribe-centric list, it’s that there’s always room for Tom Berenger under the tree.
- A review of The Legendary Detective: The Private Eye in Fact and Fiction by John Walton. Agatha Award-winner Art Taylor knows a thing or two about gumshoes, which may be why his take on John Walton’s latest drew in so many whodunit fans.
- A review of Gilliamesque by Terry Gilliam. Just like the Spanish Inquisition, no one expected Michael Causey’s recap of the artsy Python’s new book to strike such a chord. (Now go away, or we shall taunt you a second time!)