5 Most Popular Posts: February 2016

  • March 4, 2016

We here at the Independent love every piece we run. There are no winners or losers. But all kidding aside, here are February’s winners.

5 Most Popular Posts: February 2016

  1. The Washington Writers Conference. Yet again, whether searching for info on panelists, agents, or breakout sessions, readers flocked to our conference pages. (What are you waiting for? Click here to register now!)

  2. “8 Long Reads for Even Longer Winter Nights.” Until global warming gets its act in gear, we’re doomed to many dark, frigid evenings. What better way to pass them than with an epic read or eight?

  3. A review of In Another Life by Julie Christine Johnson. Ann McClellan offered up an excellent take on this work of historical fiction set in long-ago France. In a way, aren’t we all 13th-century Parisians?  

  4. A review of The Crooked Heart of Mercy by Billie Livingston. Dorothy Reno loved fellow Canadian Livingston’s new novel, and readers loved Reno’s thoughtful critique of it.

  5. “6 Book-Pitching Tips to Keep in Mind.” Tara Campbell’s inaugural installment of her new blog, Text in the City, drew lots of readers anxious to learn agent-wrangling tips from one who knows. And on a separate but related note, have you noticed how consistently popular columnists named Tara are?
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