Susana Olague Trapani
Susana Olague Trapani is an avid reader and aspiring author working slowly on her
first novel. She has served as an Associate Editor, Senior Editor and, most recently, Review Editor for the Independent. An associate director at Children’s Hospital Foundation, the fundraising arm of Children’s National Health System, Susana writes stewardship reports and foundation proposals as a member of the foundation’s principal gifts team. Prior to joining Children’s National, Susana led an editorial department with a small firm in Bethesda, Md., and was a senior writer and editor with
the American Red Cross, where she also worked in the fundraising department.
During her time at the Red Cross, Susana co-wrote, edited and managed,
alongside stakeholders from communications, finance and senior
leadership, the Hurricane Sandy one-, three- and six-month reports.
Susana has also been a contractor for the National Science Foundation
(NSF), where she worked in the education directorate. The position gave
her the experience of traveling extensively throughout the South Pacific
and Micronesia, encouraging policymakers and educators to connect with
NSF and improve science education in the region. Susana has a B.A. from the University of Michigan and an M.A. from
the University of Toronto, both in English with a focus in medieval and
Renaissance literature. She’s a sometimes runner with a New York City
marathon, two half-marathons, four Cherry Blossom 10 milers and
countless 10Ks and 5Ks under her belt. You can follow her on Twitter at
13 entries by Susana Olague Trapani
Red Moon
Benjamin Percy
Werewolves, coming-of-age, and political allegory: disparate elements that mix successfully in this latest novel from Benjamin Percy.