Caroline Bock

Caroline Bock

Caroline Bock is the author of Carry Her Home, winner of the Fiction Award from the Washington Writers’ Publishing House, and LIE and Before My Eyes, YA novels from St. Martin’s Press. She is co-president of the Washington Writers’ Publishing House, a nonprofit literary press based in Washington, DC.

6 entries by Caroline Bock


An American Tale

Arte Público Press brings Latin-diaspora stories to readers in the U.S.


Meet Stirred Stories

A newish children’s publisher is making waves in DC and beyond.


An Inaugural Anthology

Alan Squire Publishing tries something new.


That’s a Bunch of Malarkey!

(Which, in the case of this indie press, is a good thing.)


A Charm City Champ

Baltimore-based Yellow Arrow Publishing elevates women writers.


A Column Is Born

This new blog will explore why small presses are such a big deal.