Move over, Amazon. The Los Angeles Times is adding an “IndieBound” button to its Festival of Books’ authors page, giving shoppers the option of buying titles from small booksellers rather than solely from the Seattle-based behemoth.
Under pressure from the Southern California Independent Booksellers Association, whose members have supported the festival (which has heard nothing but crickets from Amazon) for years, the Times decided to add the second “buy button.” Hopefully, it’ll motivate lots of readers to shop indie.
We here at the nonprofit Independent love indie booksellers, too, which is why many of our click-through-and-buy links go not to Amazon, but to Washington, DC-based Politics and Prose or to Portland, Oregon-based Powell’s, both of which appreciate books and reading as much as we do.
Feel like supporting them — and us? Use one of our links the next time you’re shopping for a new favorite book!