The author of The Long Field comes to Baltimore on Thurs., Apr. 11th, at 6 p.m.!
The Long Field burrows deep into the Welsh countryside to tell how this small country became a big part of Pam's life as an American writer. The book’s format twines her story around that of Wales by viewing both through the lens of hiraeth, a Welsh word that’s famously hard to translate (one literal meaning of hiraeth is ‘long field’). It is also the name for the bone-deep longing for something or someone – a home, culture, language, or even a younger self. The Long Field braids memoir with the essential hiraeth stories of Wales, and in doing so creates a radical new vision of place and belonging.
Pamela Petro is an author, artist, and educator living in Northampton, MA, with her partner, Marguerite, and Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Topaz. She has written four books of creative nonfiction including her latest, The Long Field: Wales and the Presence of Absence, as well as Travels in an Old Tongue, also about Wales; Sitting up with the Dead, about the American South; and The Slow Breath of Stone, about Southwest France.
Sally Shivnan is the author of the short story collection Piranhas & Quicksand & Love, and her fiction and essays have appeared in journals including the Georgia Review, Antioch Review, Glimmer Train, and Rosebud.
Hosted by the Ivy Bookshop, 5928 Falls Rd., Baltimore, MD. Click here to RSVP!