Advertise with Us!

Online Ad Rates

Ad Size/Location


Cost per

four weeks


Cost per

two weeks


Cost per week


Top right-hand box, homepage (300x300 dpi)








Bottom right-hand box, homepage (300x300 dpi)








Top RH box PLUS box ad in twice-weekly newsletter








Bottom RH box PLUS box ad in twice-weekly newsletter








Box ad (300x300 dpi) in twice-weekly newsletter








Once-weekly dedicated mailing to subscribers







Spotlight Event      $50/day       $300/week  

* Ad rates are subject to change.
* We have just over 3,500 subscribers.

If you're interested in placing an appropriate ad (we love Viagra as much as the next literary site, but we're not willing to promote it), or would like a copy of our media kit, email [email protected] and we'll be in touch shortly!