A Letter from the President of The Independent

  • April 11, 2011

Please support The Independent by buying books through the links we provide.

Dear Readers –

As we enter our third month of operation, we are delighted with the response to this venture from you and from the publishing industry.  It turns out there is a strong appetite for great reviews of interesting books, plus interviews with the leading authors of our time and essays and blogs by our thoughtful contributors.  Stick with us; we’re only going to get better!

But now for a word about, yes, how we stay afloat.  The Independent is, in fact, extremely independent and is a non profit (501c3) organization.  We are a group of writers and editors who are volunteering our efforts for this noble cause.  Still, however pure our motives and virtuous our goal, we have expenses in keeping the enterprise afloat.

Here is how you can help us:  by feeding your reading habit.

You may have noticed our partnerships with Amazon.com and Politics & Prose, a leading independent book store here in Washington, DC.  Each of our reviews (and most of our Features) carry “buy the book” links from these two booksellers. When you click through one of these links and purchase a book (it doesn’t even have to be the one you clicked through from!), The Independent gets a small slice of each sale.  That can help keep The Independent afloat and independent, and it doesn’t cost you a dime. So, when you’re buying books online, please consider buying them through The Independent and our affiliates.

You may also make a contribution directly; instructions will emerge if you click on the “donate” button on our home page. As a nonprofit we guarantee that all “income” we receive from book sales and donations goes right back into operating the site, so we can continue to bring you top-quality content.

Please, keep reading!

David O. Stewart,


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