It’s time to remix your lit, yo!
- Hey, Lady Chatterley: who’s your new boo? Click “Next” for sizzling photos. By D.H. Lawrence
- Quasi to full: local bell-ringer goes from hunchback to hunk with a little help from Cupid’s arrow. By V. Hugo
- Police sting stymies career of brilliant academic traveling with young companion. By V. Nabokov
- Traveler digs in to shocking allegations from inside the penal colony. By F. Kafka
- Winter camping dos and don’ts. By J. London
- Dealing with a difficult stepdad? Just don’t try to stab him — here’s why. By W. Shakespeare
- This week’s travel tip: Steam into spine-tingling adventure on the Congo River! By J. Conrad
- Children running wild in school: Swiss family endures rocky homecoming after years on desert island. By J.D. Wyss
- Bid farewell to yellow wallpaper and other home décor nightmares. By C.P. Gilman
- Letter to the Editor: Screw your rye, you phony. By J.D. Salinger
- Kama and get it! Sixty-four positions that will slay your bae — and a bunch of other stuff about love that no one ever reads. By V.
- Ten hacks for a more harmonious animal farm (#1: Don’t skimp on fencing). By G. Orwell
- Road trip: Get out of that dust bowl and head West! By J. Steinbeck
- Arsenic, drowning, or train? Three tortured spirits compare ways to end it all when your affair goes south. By G. Flaubert, K. Chopin, and L. Tolstoy
- Local serpent implicated in fruit theft, faces expulsion along with newly clothed man, woman. By G.
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