Why Bestselling Novelist Keith Donohue Supports the Independent

  • September 28, 2020

And why you should, too!

Why Bestselling Novelist Keith Donohue Supports the Independent

“Reading the Independent is like having a conversation with all the friends you wished you had. For readers, it provides fresh takes — often provocative, always interesting — on the latest ideas and literary arts. For writers, the Independent offers room and space to take apart books, poke around the superstructure, and discover how these things work and cause such reactions. Right here in our virtual hometown. I love it and look forward to it each and every day.”

Keith Donohue

Don’t miss your chance to get a signed copy of Donohue’s The Motion of Puppets, The Boy Who Drew Monsters, or his other novels, or to have him speak (via Zoom) to your book club!

For a complete list of rewards, click here.
But hurry! Our fundraiser ends soon!

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