Joanie Farley Gillispie, Ph.d.

Joanie Gillispie currently teaches at Berkeley City College in the Multimedia, Psychology, and Education Departments and at the University of California, Berkeley. Her book Cyber.rules, What You Really Need To Know About The Internet: A Guide for Clinicians, Educators, and Parents (2007 WW Norton) has initiated speaking engagements here and abroad about Media Literacy and Digital Culture as transforming identity, relationships, and community. Her courses and workshops focus on the social and psychological effects of embedded technology, ethnic perceptions in media, and using multimedia as a critical thinking tool.


1 entry by Joanie Farley Gillispie, Ph.d.

Book Review

Eli Pariser

The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding From You

The online world is creating an ever more personalized version of each of us ― and we should be worried, this book argues.