Your Club in Lights: The DC Ladies Book Club

A look at an interesting book club and how they do what they do.

Your Club in Lights: The DC Ladies Book Club

Club name: The DC Ladies Book Club.

Location: We’re based in the DMV [Washington, DC-Maryland-Virginia], but we’re a virtual book club and welcome readers from all over!

How long have you been around: The book club launched in November 2013.

How many members: We’re still very new, so we only have five members right now, but we’re on the hunt for new people to join us! Once we have a larger club, we would love to incorporate the occasional in-person meet.

Book you’re currently reading: The Signature of All Things” target=“_blank”>The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Your next read: The Engagements” target=“_blank”>The Engagements by J. Courtney Sullivan. Everyone who read the book with us thoroughly enjoyed it. It was such an amazing story! We were fortunate enough to have J. Courtney Sullivan herself join us for a Twitter chat, which was a great experience. She was a delight to talk to, and everyone seemed to really enjoy the conversation.

The secret to your club’s success: We encourage a lot of interaction with each other, from our weekly discussions to our monthly Twitter chats. We’ve had authors join us for chats, which I’m sure has been a great help, too! Who could resist the opportunity to pick their favorite author’s brain?

For more information: Contact The DC Ladies online, on Facebook, or via Twitter.

Should your club’s name be in lights? Send an email to [email protected] and tell us about it!


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