The Independent’s Most Popular February Posts

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it was a busy month here at the Independent.

The Independent’s Most Popular February Posts

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it was a busy month here at the Independent. We posted 25 new book reviews and 21 literary features, for a total of 46 posts. Here are the February posts that got the most views:

1) Review of Finding Camlann by Sean Pidgeon. Harriet Dwinell skillfully reviews this novel linking the past and present of Wales.

2) Review of Napoleon: Life, Legacy, and Image: A Biography by Alan Forrest. Darrell Delamaide overlooks the two colons in the title (I kid! but aren’t titles with one colon bad enough?) to delve into this new biography of the well-known figure.

3) Review of The Taste of Ashes: The Afterlife of Totalitarianism in Eastern Europe by Marci Shore. Our reviewers, two graduate students at Johns Hopkins University, analyze this look at Communism’s hangover.

4) Has Gollum’s Literary Progenitor Been Discovered? Yours truly is a bit critical of an attempt, in the Los Angeles Review of Books, to link the famous Tolkien character back to one created by a 19th century author.

5) Goodreads: Social Media for Readers. I was afraid this post would be banal to readers, but it turns out I’m not the only one confused by how to use Goodreads and whether there’s another social media application for readers. Bonus: read this post and become my friend on Goodreads!

We have got amazing content in store for March, so please check back often to see what’s coming next!

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