The area's premier annual literary event happens this Friday-Saturday, May 12-13, in Rockville, MD!
Okay, we’ve been going on and on (and on) about the excellent, informative, collegial, and overall awesome 2023 Washington Writers Conference for months now. Well, believe it or not, the big event is finally here!
This year’s conference happens this Friday and Saturday, May 12-13, and if you haven’t registered yet, you’re missing a chance to meet some of your favorite authors, learn from publishing pros during multiple panels and workshops, and pitch your book project to enthusiastic, highly motivated literary agents. (No book to pitch? No problem! You’ll still feel right at home during the conference.)
So, stop putting it off: Register NOW! (A limited number of same-day registrations may be available, but we can’t guarantee how many.) We’ll see you soon!