Authors on Audio: Daphne Palmer Geanacopoulos

  • August 23, 2023

An occasional series in which writers speak for themselves.

Authors on Audio: Daphne Palmer Geanacopoulos

Journalist and historian Daphne Palmer Geanacopoulos is also the author of two books about the world of pirates. The first, The Pirate Next Door: The Untold Story of Eighteenth-Century Pirates’ Wives, Families and Communities, came out in 2017. Her new volume is The Pirate’s Wife: The Remarkable True Story of Sarah Kidd, which the Christian Science Monitor calls “a striking, thoroughly researched depiction of just how much persistence and inventiveness it took for a woman in Colonial America to retain security and dignity over the course of her life.” Geanacopoulos discussed The Pirate’s Wife with fellow BIO member Lisa Napoli in March.

This podcast comes courtesy of Biographers International Organization. Listen to it here.

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