The online mega-store links up with readers' most prominent social networking site.
by Josh Trapani
My work schedule today precludes a meaty post, but I could not let the day pass without reporting on this - purchase? merger? - I’m not sure. “Acquisition” seems to be the right word. We were just talking about Goodreads last month, and now it has been co-opted. You can read the announcement on Goodreads, and the press release. Money sentence (no pun intended): “Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.” I will have to read some of the press coverage to more fully understand what this means, but my initial reaction - as someone who has sunk a lot of time into Goodreads - is negative ... and I write that as someone who also buys an embarrassing amount of stuff (including many books) from Amazon. I’m not sure I want my discussions on books mediated by their chief vendor.
I would love to hear reactions from readers on this: good, bad, indifferent, or just more information. Please comment below - let’s discuss!