10 Reading Resolutions for the New Year

  • January 1, 2020

How we’ll be preserving our sanity in the coming months.

10 Reading Resolutions for the New Year

  1. “Keep it up. Reading is my intellectual lifeblood, and I'm pretty happy with my approach: gulping down more than 60 books this year. So I don't have much to change. I want to drink deeply at the trough, with deep draughts of literary fiction from writers who challenge me; sips of nonfiction; and occasional swallows of reread favorites.” ~Carrie Callaghan

  2. “To replace all drive-time MSNBC listening with Audible titles that are on my TBR pile. Win-win: lower blood pressure, lots more books savored.” ~Jenny Yacovissi

  3. “I feel like I'm the slowest reader ever, and my to-read pile keeps growing higher and higher, so my resolution is going to be to spend less time looking at my stupid phone and more time picking up a book and reading a few pages whenever I have a moment of downtime.” ~Tara Laskowski

  4. “One way to find a publisher for one's writing is to know the market into which the work is being submitted. So, my resolution is to read the most contemporaneous epic poetry, short stories, and fiction I can. Enough with the classics!” ~Y.S. Fing

  5. “To finish reading volume II of Proust's In Search of Lost Time: In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower. Also to use Our Mutual Friend by Dickens as a road map in my own writing to illustrate that love is more important than money.” ~Rafael Alvarez

  6. “First, I will schedule reading time. As life gets busier, I find that the things I enjoy most are the things I get to do least. I'm making this an appointment with myself next year. Second, I'll re-up my Audible subscription. Time in the car is time I look forward to when I have a book going, and I find that I listen to much different things than I read. Third, I'm making a goal to learn something new every month or two by reading a nonfiction book that interests me. And fourth, I will read to my kids every night we can. Yep, they're 10 and 12, and lots of parents don't read to their kids once they can read by themselves, but we all enjoy it, and I can share books about things they might not read on their own. Our last family read was The Book Thief!” ~Delancey Stewart

  7. “In 2020, I will read more often than I scroll on my phone. I want to get lost in the magic of books more than I have this year (or last year, or the year before, to be honest) and forget the world outside my door — if only for a little while.” ~Kristina Wright

  8. “I'd like to read War and Peace and write a column about it before the end of 2020. Guess I'd better start now.” ~Dorothy Reno

  9. “I resolve to read more — more books by women of color, more books from small, independent presses, and more history books (since I don't want to be condemned to repeat the past). I don't want to put a number on ‘more,’ but, in 2019, my goal was 50 books, so more for a new decade is my promise to myself and the world.” ~Caroline Bock

  10. “To instead reach for a book any time I’m tempted to go online. Social media — at least in our current political climate — leaves me enervated. Better to sink into literature than drown in the cesspool that is Twitter.” ~Holly Smith
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