5 Most Popular Posts: Jan. 2017

  • February 2, 2017

We here at the Independent love every piece we run. There are no winners or losers. But all kidding aside, here are January’s winners.

5 Most Popular Posts: Jan. 2017

  1. The Washington Writers Conference. Aspiring authors must’ve seen the bat signal because they flocked to our all-about-the-conference pages in huge numbers. (Ready to register? Click here before the early-bird rate expires!)

  2. “8 Books President Trump Should Read.” We tried.

  3. January’s Poetry Exemplars. Grace Cavalieri’s perpetually popular feature drew tons of traffic, but don’t tell her. She might ask for a raise…

  4. Debra Dean’s review of The War Within: Diaries from the Siege of Leningrad by Alexis Peri. “In devastating intimacy, the diaries disclose the private struggles of individuals to extract meaning from unimaginably dire circumstances, as well as the philosophical and psychological approaches they brought to bear on their suddenly unrecognizable lives and their own disappearing bodies.”

  5. Kitty Kelley’s review of Settle for More by Megyn Kelly. “Prepare yourself for Cinderella on steroids: the success story of a young woman who learned early in life that hard work will open any door that’s not already kicked in by great good looks. Her book is a testament to slogging, bone-cracking, round-the-clock effort, which she soldered to a laser focus to succeed.”

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