15 Classics Rebooted

It’s time to remix your lit, yo!

15 Classics Rebooted

  1. Hey, Lady Chatterley: who’s your new boo? Click “Next” for sizzling photos. By D.H. Lawrence

  2. Quasi to full: local bell-ringer goes from hunchback to hunk with a little help from Cupid’s arrow. By V. Hugo

  3. Police sting stymies career of brilliant academic traveling with young companion. By V. Nabokov

  4. Traveler digs in to shocking allegations from inside the penal colony. By F. Kafka

  5. Winter camping dos and don’ts. By J. London

  6. Dealing with a difficult stepdad? Just don’t try to stab him — here’s why. By W. Shakespeare

  7. This week’s travel tip: Steam into spine-tingling adventure on the Congo River! By J. Conrad

  8. Children running wild in school: Swiss family endures rocky homecoming after years on desert island. By J.D. Wyss

  9. Bid farewell to yellow wallpaper and other home décor nightmares. By C.P. Gilman

  10. Letter to the Editor: Screw your rye, you phony. By J.D. Salinger

  11. Kama and get it! Sixty-four positions that will slay your bae — and a bunch of other stuff about love that no one ever reads. By V.

  12. Ten hacks for a more harmonious animal farm (#1: Don’t skimp on fencing). By G. Orwell

  13. Road trip: Get out of that dust bowl and head West! By J. Steinbeck

  14. Arsenic, drowning, or train? Three tortured spirits compare ways to end it all when your affair goes south. By G. Flaubert, K. Chopin, and L. Tolstoy

  15. Local serpent implicated in fruit theft, faces expulsion along with newly clothed man, woman. By G.
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